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An accomplished encaustic artist, Tonya uses the traditional encaustic mixture of beeswax and resin to sculpt exquisite 3D floral paintings, seascapes and abstracts.  Encaustic, which consists of wholly organic materials found in nature, lends itself to the overall theme of the beauty and fragility of nature.  Her use of wax gives a rich optical effect to the pigment making the finished work startlingly lifelike.


Incorporating a variety of materials, including alcohol ink, shellac, pan pastels and handmade papyrus allows her to create luminous depth and ethereal shapes and forms that capture the essence of beeswax and connect with the viewer on a visceral and transformative level.  


3D Encaustic
Nature Inspired Art 


new pink and green in room for web (4)_e
"Pink Sapphire"
38.5" x 38.5" x 4.5"
Sculpted Encaustic and Resin
Private Collection
"Serenade in Sapphire"
38.5" x 38.5" x 4.5"
Sculpted Encaustic and Resin
Hi Res Final Full View Yellow and Magent
"Floral Rhapsody"
38” x 38” x 5.5"
Encaustic and Resin
Hi Res Bliss for Website and Email.jpg
38" x 38" x 6"
Encaustic and Resin
"Pink Blossoms 1"
11.5" x 11.5" x 3"
Sculpted Encaustic and Resin
$675 ea. 
"Pink Blossoms 2"
11.5" x 11.5" x 3"
Sculpted Encaustic and Resin
$675 ea. 
"Amethyst Dream 1"
13.5" x 13.5" x 3"
Sculpted Encaustic, Resin, Alcohol Ink
$675 ea.
"Amethyst Dream 2"
13.5" x 13.5" x 3"
Sculpted Encaustic, Resin, Alcohol Ink
$675 ea.
New Small Work 3D Floral without background.jpg
 "Jewel 1"
10" x 10" x 3" 
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
Private Collection
Second small 3D floral.jpg
 "Jewel 2"
10" x 10" x 3" 
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
 "Whimsy 1"
11" x 11" x 3"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
 "Whimsy 1"
11" x 11" x 3"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
Seaside Garden 2_edited_edited.jpg
"Seaside Garden"
30" x 30" x 3.5"
Encaustic, Resin, Pan Pastels
"Pink Sapphire"
19.5” x 19.5" x 3.5”
Sculpted Encaustic, Resin, Pan Pastels
18.5" x 18.5" x 4"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
 "Coral Cascades"
18.5" x 19" x 4"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
 "Island Breeze"
20" x 24" x 3.5"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
"Tropical Paradise"
20" x 24" x 4"
Encaustic, Shellac, Wood
26" x 26" x 4"
Encaustic, Shellac, Wood
20" x 24" x 3.5"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
Trest_Tango_24_x_30_Encaustic .jpg
20" x 24" x 3.5"
Sculpted Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
"Coastal Blooms"
32" x 42.5" x 4"
Encaustic, Shellac, Wood
Confetti for Sothebys.jpg
23" x 26" x 4"
Encaustic, Shellac, Wood
"Tropical Blaze "
36" x 48" x 6"
Sculpted Encaustic
Final Hi Res White and Gold Floral (edited-Pixlr).jpg
"Eden "
24" x 36" x 4.5"
Sculpted Encaustic
Black and White Landscape Art, Encaustic and Beeswax Painting, Seascape, Sculptural, Hand-made Papyrus, Abstract Art, Abstract Painting, Home Decor, Home Interior, Wall Art, Museum, Gallery
24" x 36"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Wood
Private Collection
Black and White Landscape Art, Encaustic and Beeswax Painting, Seascape, Sculptural, Hand-made Papyrus, Abstract Art, Abstract Painting, Home Decor, Home Interior, Wall Art, Museum, Gallery
30" x 40"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac
Private Collection
Encaustic seascape, coastal, beach, waves, beeswax, painting, art
36" x 48"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac
Private Collection

Black and White Landscape Art, Encaustic and Beeswax Painting, Seascape, Sculptural, Hand-made Papyrus, Abstract Art, Abstract Painting, Home Decor, Home Interior, Wall Art, Museum, Gallery
20 x 24"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Wood

"Morning Stroll"
24" x 24"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
White, Green, Encaustic, Floral Painting, Abstract, Garden, Floral Art, Interior Design, Home Decor, Sculptural Floral, Sculptural, Home Interior, Design,
"Morning Stroll"
White, Green, Encaustic, Floral Painting, Abstract, Garden, Floral Art, Interior Design, Home Decor, Sculptural Floral, Sculptural, Home Interior, Design,
1st Place
"Flourish" Juried Exhibition, Norfolk, Va

"A Walk in the Garden"
30" x 40"
Wax, Alcohol Ink, Pastel and Shellac
Private Collection
White, Green, Encaustic, Floral Painting, Abstract, Garden, Floral Art, Interior Design, Home Decor, Sculptural Floral, Sculptural, Home Interior, Design,
White, Green, Encaustic, Floral Painting, Abstract, Garden, Floral Art, Interior Design, Home Decor, Sculptural Floral, Sculptural, Home Interior, Design,
"A Walk in the Garden"

White, Green, Encaustic, Floral Painting, Abstract, Garden, Floral Art, Interior Design, Home Decor, Sculptural Floral, Sculptural, Home Interior, Design,
Permanent Collection-Encaustic Museum
Cerillos, NM "Flourish"
30" x 40"
Wax, Alcohol Ink, Shellac, Pastel
White, Green, Encaustic, Floral Painting, Abstract, Garden, Floral Art, Interior Design, Home Decor, Sculptural Floral, Sculptural, Home Interior, Design,
"Flourish "


Small Works

abstract landscape 2 .jpg
"Earth Jewels 1"
6" x 6"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink

abstract 1 .jpg
"Earth Jewels"
6" x 6"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink

abstract floral.jpg
"Abstract Floral"
6" x 6"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink

"Tree of Life"
6" x 6"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
Private Collection

small beach scene 2.jpg
"Inlet 1"
6" x 6"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink

Small Beach Scene.jpg
"Inlet 2"
6" x 6"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink

Rich Landscape 8_X10_
"Earth Jewels 3"
12" x 12"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
Private Collection

sea turtle .jpg
"Sea Turtle"
10" x 12"
Wax, Encaustic, Shellac, Alcohol Ink
Private Collection



(972) 773-9981

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